Restorative Dental Implants

Once your dental implants are in place then they can be restored with new implant teeth. Here at Bowen Dental, we take tremendous care when designing restorative implants to ensure you get the very best results. Your new teeth will be made to blend in with your existing teeth so they look and feel natural. While appearance is important, so is function and your new teeth will be designed to make it easy to bite and chew.

What Type of Restorative Implant Solutions Are Available?

One of the things we love about dental implants is their versatility. If you have just a single dental implant then it can be restored with an implant crown that will emerge from your gums just like a real tooth. Multiple dental implants can be restored in a couple of different ways, either by using an implant supported bridge, or an implant retained denture. An implant supported bridge will be screwed or cemented permanently into position. An implant supported denture is fully removable for easy cleaning. During your first dental implant consultation, all these options can be discussed with Our Bowen dentist as we want to make sure you get the very best solution that will make you look and feel amazing.

Schedule an appointment

If you have more questions, please do not hesitate to call us. You can contact us on (07) 4786 2098 or visit the practice at 77 Herbert Street, Bowen QLD 4805.