Children’s Dentistry

Our caring dental team here at Bowen Dental would like to ensure your child can enjoy healthy teeth for life and the very best way to do this is with ongoing preventative dentistry.

When Should My Child Begin Regular Dental Visits?

We encourage you to bring your child to see us by age one. This allows us to work closely with you, following a customised preventative dental care plan provided by our dentist. Even though childhood tooth decay is common, it can be avoided through using a combination of professional and home dental care techniques.

How Will These Treatments Help Me?

We have a great range of preventative treatments to help your child’s teeth remain strong and cavity-free. These include:
Our friendly dental team are here to help you. We have a wealth of information on how to care for children’s teeth more effectively, including advice on brushing and flossing and dietary advice. We are all very easy to chat to, so please ask if you have any questions.

Schedule an appointment

You can call us on (07) 4786 2098. Our practice is located at 77 Herbert Street, Bowen QLD 4805.