General dental treatments include regular examinations, dental fillings, as well as crowns and bridges, tooth extractions and wisdom tooth removals, and dentures. Like all the procedures here at Bowen Dental, our General Dental treatments are all a very high standard.
If you do require any treatment, we will use the most advanced and most appropriate techniques and materials to restore strength and structure to your teeth. Whenever possible, we will try to preserve your natural teeth, using amalgam-free dentistry to invisibly repair them.
Our beautiful crowns can protect badly damaged teeth. If we do need to remove teeth, they can be restored with a dental bridge, or with our well-fitting, comfortable and life-like dentures.
If you have any questions about our services, you can speak to our friendly dental team on (07) 4786 2098. Our practice is located at 77 Herbert Street, Bowen QLD 4805.